In this fantastic world, children can enjoy all kinds of activities, playground, extension activities and so on, each activity brings them endless joy. {♀} Children’s paradise. They learn to be brave in the face of provocation, and thus become twice as complacent and self-reliant. Through these activities, the children not only gain joy, but also sow valuable growth.
Great windmill paradise, a children’s hell full of laughter, children here enjoy their passion and joy. Children’s joy six together {{} too many people queued up for half a day {{} people are very much {{} Ferris wheel strange fun. Where is {♀}? {♀} Garbage playground children’s happy world! {♀} All the fun {♀} fun.
Also OK {wedding spend four hundred and fifty thousand, most of them are paid IQ tax {{} This is a waste, money to others to earn, get a so-called decent {{} people that is more money to prepare to use {{} is not your pool, if it is your pool, that is a word: pull! At the moment young people do not get married is right, because the market is too bad {♀} feet knot strong, can not compare {♀} this is Shenzhen Zhu Jia married female, a dozen of sports cars who {♀} money to easy {♀} a month to spend hundreds of thousands of have, what ability to do what kind of things {♀} wedding spend 450 thousand, you mistake no {♀} your pool marriage hair China, Ma ‘anshan city wedding or hair Dabao facial cleanser. {♀} Not bad. Four hundred and fifty thousand people in Shenzhen are small families! Every table even the difference between tobacco and alcohol to ten thousand a table is too expensive? {♀} is Maotai wine also can not 1w{♀} rich ah {♀} meaning on the line {♀} too expensive!! {♀} What first-tier cities? {♀} Abide by the master family set, there is no need to compare. Look at the economic ability of it {Beijing} a little big {Beijing} rich ah {Beijing} or Anqing city is good, only hair sugar no smoke. This is why marriage is the origin of the life event, the so-called event must be measured by money, only appear great and important. {♀} Not bad, not bad {♀} points like {♀} points like {♀} points like {♀} know went to play crazy it {♀} went, why too many people in a long queue, and went {♀} this specific status in which block {♀} on this point play head {♀} yesterday national afternoon just took the child to go, is too many people play a project queue too hard to receive
Yesterday was a good day, go to relatives’ home to drink a secret check light wedding spent four hundred and fifty thousand, each table even tobacco and alcohol difference to ten thousand a table, not a miscellaneous my drop obediah this is called marriage, my daughter that time is friends and friends dinner ah, that drink what wine, too advanced bar. May every child thrive in a happy childhood and become the hope and pillar of the future! {♀} Too many people the day before yesterday, did not come out {♀} my mother did not take me to, the baby is not happy {♀} looking very good {♀} know to go to play crazy it {♀} praise {♀} good, praise {♀} play joy is good. In the playground, they are like individual adventurers, bravely picking all kinds of exciting projects, rainbow slides, dragon swings, shuttle through the forest, etc., each project can make them excited. Wedding four hundred and five hundred thousand, a table ten thousand, or the simple quality of the point {♀} rich Zhu Zi home high grade {♀} high grade! {♀} amount {♀}{♀} wasteful wasteful {♀} Praise (^_^)/rich! {♀} I raise a daughter do not worry about these, are paid by the men {♀} is not to say that Shenzhen girl married no bride price? {♀} Rich is good {♀} pass by {♀} feet knot strong, do not comment… Forty thousand difference is not a few {♀} Rich people are not a few {♀} rich people don’t matter
Great Windmill Park is a source of joy for children, allowing them to enjoy the glorious years of childhood in the relaxed and exciting air. This has always been the case, 30 years ago for the son to get married to build a brick tile house, plus the cost of marriage, borrowing debt to pay off a few years, that time the first year of marriage, the next year born a baby, marriage poor three years is the least {♀} spend little, normal each table wedding has more than one hundred thousand to face {♀} A lot of 60 after the marriage is divided, got tile house to pay off debts, to take children, Poor first month back door have no money to buy gifts, to return to the small shop in the year to say good words to credit. {♀} Maotai can’t cost ten thousand, can it? Which hotel {♀} can not compare {♀} that hour of love… {♀} passes by. Under the sun, the smiling faces of children are like blooming flowers, which makes people happy. Feet knot strong, why do you want to compare other people said his relatives are Shenzhen people? What if his relatives are first-tier cities in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen? So… Transitional consumption is really to be limited, otherwise the fine will not be raised. Watching the children playing, learning and growing in the park, we not only feel the joy of the children, but also look forward to their future. Is Ma ‘anshan poor than your pool people get married why so stingy search, just ten thousand pieces of a table, people network standard one hundred thousand table start. See what place, Shenzhen can not use these, sufficient places these are not enough {♀} each table to W, that is rich. {♀} So look back my son casually he can not get married {♀} not so big also sorry Anhui the name of the only five-line city {♀} so do not get married is reasonable {♀} This kind of wasteful habits should be under the tripod strength management of this time then {♀} should put an end to wasteful {♀} also see the ability {♀} before marriage, income growth, expenditure growth, Parenting, and those relatives sent to the outside, at the moment to get married, both have income, income is the growth of money you just make, right can not do a swollen face filled fat thing. At the same time, they also learn to help, care and share with each other in the interaction with their young companions, and friendship makes them doubly aware of taking care and being grateful. Thumb up gianluca zambrotta {♀} {♀} quite good {♀} in a few years haven’t time to play {♀} thumb up thumb up {♀} thumb up thumb up {♀} thumb up (^_^) / {♀}. Money benefits things {Beijing} See you are how to calculate {Beijing} can not afford to hurt